We can use our life stories as God-given lessons to help us find hope and strength from knowing that we are not alone in the challenges that we face as we journey through life.
Every single day, life adds a little more to each of our stories. A little more drama. A little more sadness, laughter, joy grief and love. All these life events add up to make a beautiful mosaic of experiences, each one as unique as our faces, and yet at the core, very much the same. The inspiration for my stories comes from everything that is happening all around us. I love creating these worlds where I keep asking myself the question "what if?" What if something had not happened in the story as we know it, what would have been the outcome?
There is a Shona saying that goes "chakafukidza dzimba matenga." Whilst there is no easy translation, it basically means that what goes on in a home or family should be known only by those who are in it. It comes from the idea that even though to the outsider, a home or a family may look like everything is okay, however, there is actually a lot more internal strife than is publicly known. The downside to this is that without sharing our issues, we cannot find a suitable solution. No man is an island. We all face similar challenges, and sharing how we overcame them can help the next person. We overcome by the word of our testimony!
Apart from writing, I also enjoy helping other writers. I love reading and providing book reviews, as well as offering copyediting and content writing services.
Contact me for further details!
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